When it comes to investing for retirement, it's important to make informed decisions that align with your goals and risk tolerance. But with so many options and factors to consider, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Asking yourself these 10 questions can help guide your investment decisions and ensure that you're on track to reach your retirement goals:

10 Questions to Ask Before Making Retirement Investment Decisions

01. What are my retirement goals? Clearly defining your goals, such as how much income you'll need in retirement and when you plan to retire, can help you make investment decisions that align with your objectives.

02. How much risk am I comfortable with? Different investments carry different levels of risk, and it's important to choose investments that match your risk tolerance.

03. How much time do I have until retirement? The closer you are to retirement, the more conservative you may want to be with your investments.

04. What are my current investments and how are they performing? Take stock of your current investments and assess their performance to get a sense of your overall investment strategy.

05. Do I have any debt? Paying off high-interest debt should be a priority before investing for retirement.

06. What are my other sources of retirement income? Consider how your investments fit into the bigger picture of your retirement income, including Social Security, pensions, and any other sources of income.

07. How diversified is my portfolio? Diversifying your investments can help reduce risk, so consider whether your portfolio is spread out enough.

08. Am I taking advantage of employer matching contributions? If your employer offers a 401(k) or other retirement plan with matching contributions, it's important to contribute enough to take advantage of this benefit.

09. Have I considered long-term care expenses? Planning for potential long-term care expenses can help protect your assets and ensure that you receive the care you need.

10. Do I have an estate plan in place? Making sure your assets are distributed according to your wishes is important, so consider creating a will, setting up a trust, or designating power of attorney.

Asking yourself these questions can help you make informed investment decisions that align with your retirement goals and risk tolerance.